Lost Item No.: 1079182 - John F Kennedy International Airport, New York, US

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John F Kennedy International Airport, JFK, New York, US, (Manhattan, New York City, NYC, Idlewild)
Handbag (Purse)
Date lost: 
Thursday, September 28, 2017
I drove by the airport and ended up forgetting a suitcase inside the airport. I think he left his suitcase right on the mat where we have to take off the shoe to get through the detector. It was very tumultuous and I forgot one of the suitcases. It is a black handbag, it had no identification, but it is easy to identify because I am a dentist and I had papers of my profession, kept behind the suitcase. The suitcase is without the two wheels and inside there were four pairs of sneakers, two heeled shoes, all feminine, perfume and various items. A very important suitcase for me.
rx treadmill - pass detector. right where we have to take off our shoes to enter. As soon as I passed the suitcase on the treadmill I picked up the others and forgot about a suitcase.
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